The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160733   Message #4030186
Posted By: GUEST,TheMelindaBeast
25-Jan-20 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Sleep Weel My Bairnie (Murdoch Maclean)
Subject: RE: Murdoch Maclean: Sleep Weel My Bairnie
Hi all! Literally just came across this thread. Murdoch Maclean is actually my great-great-grandfather! His grand-daughter was called Jean (who then changed her name to Jeanne), who was my father's mother.
This site won't let me upload photos to this post (as far as I can tell) but here's a link to the poem as it was actually printed in his book "From Croft and Clachan" from 1919:

I will try to find more information about him from my dad to verify the facts. It's just so cool that people outside my family are interested in learning more about him!!! :-D