The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167233   Message #4031633
Posted By: FreddyHeadey
01-Feb-20 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: Origins: 'Wayfaring Stranger' in film '1917'
Subject: RE: Origins: 'Wayfaring Stranger' in film '1917'
["everything else in the film is meticulously researched,"

of the felled cherry orchard, still in blossom
"is that the end for them then?"
"oh no, when all these stones sprout next year there will be a forest of them"

I was impressed by the scenes crossing no man's land
but lots of the rest irritated me.

Their mission was to take an urgent message to another unit 'before dawn', then on the way they faffed around for twenty minutes looking round a farmhouse ... earlier, no thought of watching out for booby-traps till a giant rat set one off ... they were only going to be away for a day but by the night time he had enough rations in his pack to feed a family for a week (ok, I exagerate) ... he wanders right in to the group listening to the song without passing a lookout, listens to the song, THEN asks about finding the commander - and to me it looked like about 10 a.m. by then]

I doubted the song would raise many eyebrows.
Didn't quite feel right to me though.