The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31119   Message #403302
Posted By: Bill D
21-Feb-01 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: We Are Not (well maybe) Alone
Subject: RE: BS: We Are Not (well maybe) Alone
"If you seriously investigate enough available literature you will soon reach the conclusion that we already have been visited numerous times by intelligent extraterrestrial beings not too different from ourselves..... "

funny...I have read accounts of 'witnesses', watched programs on the Roswell incident, studied reports of crop circles, looked at learned discussions of physics, seen purported photographs and videos...and I still haven't reached the conclusion that aliens are/have been among us! But I guess I just haven't investigated 'enough' yet, hmmm?....Or maybe I am just stubborn, and have the deluded idea that 'proof' involves more than lots of curious, unexplained happenings. I do know this about myself..I do not REQUIRE final answers--about religion, aliens, elves, or psychic phenomena. I am content to shrug and say 'isn't that interesting?'

If little green men land on my street in a saucer-shaped ship and zap MY begonias with a death ray, or I find myself 'hearing' YOUR thoughts, or a voice like thunder booms from the clouds and tells me to change my behavior....or tiny folks with pointed shoes start dancing in the moonlight in MY garden...(and I haven't been drinking...)...then I might say "hmmmmm... wild!"

I do envy those who can 'believe' with lesser evidence than I require, their lives have a lot more...ummmm..pizzazz... than mine, I guess. Ah well.....