The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31119   Message #403369
Posted By: Amos
21-Feb-01 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: We Are Not (well maybe) Alone
Subject: RE: BS: We Are Not (well maybe) Alone
Bear in mind that all these projections of occupied spatial dimples similar to our own are predicated more or less on a fairly Newtonian and box-like shape. This is if course a primitive interpretation that is normal to those whose primary perceptions are channeled through and attributed to bodies. It accounts for the strange dichotomistic behaviour of the kinds of Aliens documented by Whitley Streiber, the NY writer who penned that series about visitiations in the mid-to-late-Eighties. The anecdotal evidence was very persuasive and the collections of incidents was remarkavle; and he even mustered up some telling body scars to support his scenario of unwanted medical examinations. But he could not account for the discrepancy in physical sightings and evidence, which was of a much lower count than the experiential data being accepted by individuals from all over who, apparently, really had a story to tell.

If you shift to the kind of space time described by Hawking, then a different set of possibilities emerges. If dimensionality is as complex as quantum physics implies, with multiple parallel tracks of possibility unfurling like a grapevine branching threough time, and gaps and wormholes where shortcuts between lightyears can exist, and spacetime bundles of probability being the most solid version of reality we can prove, why then there is a possibility that we are being contacted by beings from other, inhabited planets. Just not in the same slice of continuum.

And if that is possible, it would at least explain why all those very very real experiences produced no photographs or exposure-to-vacuum problems during levitation into mother ships and so forth; the boundaries being transgressed were of a different kind and between a different set of realms altogether.

Maybe the doorways between such universes are very different than the heavy-mass gateways that seem to be wormholes and black holes. Maybe they can flicker into and out of the spaces of _perceptual_ reality, the zone between our physical inputs and our recognition of those inputs, where god-only-knows what can happen. Maybe a lot of things.

But we won't sort this sheaf of hypthoses out using telescopes or mass sprectometers or gamma counters. In fact, we probably won't ever sort this sheaf of speculations out because they are WAY too improbable to think about without....going....half.....maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddd. :>) So I guess those secrets are safe for a few more millenia, anyway.