The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25791   Message #403396
Posted By: Áine
21-Feb-01 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
Hello, hello, all you wonderful songwriters!! The Keeper of the Book is happy (estatic actually) to report for duty again. I got the all-clear from the doctor today and I've been using the hands like they just grew out on the ends of my arms. ;-) First, I'd like to apologize for being out of action for so long (but, that's another story), and I hope to be seeing loads of new songs from all you fantastic 'Catters out there! So, without further ado, here are the latest additions to the Mudcat Songbook:

Twenty Years Experience by Trapper (a/k/a Al Boyce)

Don't Think Once by mousethief

A Seafarer's Lament by Amergin

Black Nylon Thread by Amergin

Wunnerful, wunnerful stuff, as usual. Let's keep it coming, OK?

All the best, Áine