The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23183   Message #403417
Posted By: GUEST,CBJames
21-Feb-01 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: That Old Tattooed Lady
Subject: RE: That Old Tattooed Lady
Oh My What a Fair Rendering!

Long (Long? years!) ago I discussed this topic with my friend Lash. He assured me there were in fact Three (count 'em) Tattooed Lady songs - including the one of Kingston Trio fame (and upon her back was a Union Jack), the one Kermit the Frog made famous ("Lydia, Lydia, Have you seen Lydia? - I thought he said Porter wrote it but I am delighted to discover it's a Yip Harburg lyric) and then there was the third he mentioned -

"What was that? " I codgered for the longest time. Since Lash & I only get together about once a decade (& I'd forgotten to ask at the last time) I was flummoxed. But I figure it must have been the Rudy Vallee (sp?) version.

And now we learn there are more! Saints preserve us!

I could use a little home in Waikiki right about now, the snow is growing.
