The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31142   Message #403551
Posted By: Wolfgang
22-Feb-01 - 05:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: major religions-homophobia II
Subject: RE: BS: major religions-homophobia II
katlaughing and science: two worlds in collision

Some respected researchers seem to have proven that testing HIV positive does NOT cause AIDS, but it is not in the ecomomic interests of the drug companies, etc. to admit this and back further research, etc.

As could have been expected, of all the research on AIDS the position of a maverick scientist who has nearly no backup in the community of researchers (and in the data) appeals to you most.

I'd like Blind Desert Pete to back up his statement claiming that heteros are catching AIDs more because they use anal sex as birth control. I don't believe it....
I've never seen any evidence that heteros are catching it through anal sex

If you don't believe it, you'd not like BDP to be able to back up the statement. Look just at any data on the relative risk of different practices and you'll see that anal intercourse (no condom) has a higher risk than vaginal intercourse (no condom). So people of whatever sexual orientation have a higher risk with the one practise than with the other for whatever reason they use the practise. That's all. But there isn't the no risk variant (except avoiding all close contact) and therefore AIDS would be with us even without any (male) homosexuality. They didn't bring it as Pete wrongly says but they have speeded the arrival (over a certain period of time).

I guess it's too much to hope that you know AIDS is more prevalent among heterosexuals in developing countries, which comprise 95% of new reported AIDS cases.

Perhaps correct (depending upon your comparison; more prevalent than who or than what?, I'd like to know in order to be able to evaluate the truth of your statement) but anyway completely irrelevant.
The prevalence and the incidence (that's what you allude to in the last part of your statement) in e.g. Africa have more to do with the prevailing pattern of sexual practises than with anything else. As for the developed countries, the prevalence of AIDS is here not the interesting datum, the relative risk is. I guess it's too much to hope that you know that in the developed countries the relative risk for homosexuals is still much higher than for heterosexuals (with bisexuals being in between; where else).
