The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165215   Message #4039505
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-Mar-20 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
That ceviche sounds fabulous! I grow jalapenos every year, but also poblano, which aren't as hot but have a great flavor. I often put poblano in place of the hotter ones.

I'm closing in on a month of inactivity due to surgery, and don't have much of an appetite. I'm making sure to have a few standard foods handy; I make oatmeal three or four servings at a time in a small crock pot, then reheat a bowl in the mornings. Cheese sandwiches, French toast, pasta, beans a rice, easy to make or reheat are on the menu. The goal is to get enough protein during this healing process.

Sugar is not my friend; I have a toe that is somewhat arthritic after bunion surgery years ago and after three weeks of almost no sugar I ate a few chocolate caramels and it became red and sore late in the day. Alcohol has a similar effect (from past experience; I'm not allowed alcohol now). Using myself as a home science project I've proven what I suspected.

I have managed to keep the kitchen fairly tidy and the dishes run in the dishwasher regularly. I think a pot of lentil soup would serve for several days if I can motivate myself. I'll use the food processor to grate the onion - even though there is more cleanup of that device, it means fewer tears during the process.

I tried ordering out one time, a pizza. The process was unsatisfactory all around and what arrived was expensive, cold, and salty. I have ingredients here for making my own using flatbread in the freezer, but I should have ingredients ready to go ahead of time so I can fix it quickly when I feel hungry.

This is part of a self-care process I have to maintain since I live alone now (with three dogs who are all thumbs/tongues in the kitchen). Add to that the self-imposed isolation of the covid-19 pandemic and I need to have people call to check on me regularly that I don't just disappear one day, undetected. All of you, check on your friends and neighbors, by phone if not a conversation several feet apart on the front porch or down at the street. (My next door neighbors know I'm alive - I gave them a small loaf of hot broccoli cornbread last night, making sure I didn't touch the bread itself or the plate it would rest on. She gave me a ride to the doctor in her car this week so our germs are already kind of commingled.)