The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115701   Message #4040337
Posted By: GUEST,GUEST,Joe Rodgers
17-Mar-20 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: ADD: I'm in Love with Sarah Palin (Joe Rodgers)
Subject: RE: ADD: I'm in Love with Sarah Palin (Joe Rodgers)
Hi, folks —As an update to our Palin song/video discussed above —12 years and a couple of US elections later, I happened to get involved in a new creative video —“folk-punk” style, something new to me —now in the age of Trump, that also reflects major social and political issues of our times, but more in the language of today—and which deals more with the issues of -“Trumpamerica,” which you could say have really come to the boiling point now. I’m now living in Hawaii, where I—a former polka band leader in Connecticut for many years, where we created the Palin polka , which got some national attention during the Obama-McCaine election—have started jamming with local friend and talented songwriter, Josh Cleveland, who plays folk punk style ( which favors the accordion, together with guitar/banjo)— and, most recently,he wrote a number we put on Facebook, where it has gotten some favorable attention, called “Eat the Rich “ ( A popular populist cliche these days, it turns out), which also takes on Pres. Trump, Senate leader Mitch McConnell, and our whole social/ economical system today. I think/ho-e some of you guys may be interested in this —for me, anyway—popular/populist new genre of music—If so, you can check it out on my Facebook page (Joseph Rodgers, instructor at ICC, Honolulu, Josh Cleveland, the singer/author’s FB page —He’s the Josh C in Hawaii or on various other Facebook group pages , such as most punk or folk punk music pages , or as EAT THE RICH by Easy Targets, our little folk punk duo’s name . I’d be interested, too, in whether you think that this approach —or language, which is common is the rising “punk” field these days, and among younger people in general, and/or the themes and arguments it makes , are —or not a natural evolution of the the folk/protest music of the 1960’s , which has “stuck with” and inspired me and many of my generation over the years —that maybe just naturally take on a different form since, as the great Bob Dylan put it, “the times they are a changin’”— Best wishes always —Your occasional musical guest and friend, Joe (“the Plumber”) Rodgers , now in Honolulu, Hi.