The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39304   Message #4041693
Posted By: GUEST,Lighter
23-Mar-20 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: Slavery-Era Song, 'Run, ======, Run'
Subject: RE: Slavery-Era Song, 'Run, ======, Run'
I can't believe there's any documentation to show that "Run, Johnny, Run" is a product of the Whisky Rebellion. If there is, where is it?

"Federals," however, is a perfectly likely replacement for "patteroles", and was commonly used for Union troops in the Civil War.

And "Johnny," of course, meant a Southern soldier.

So that much topical adaptation in a state like Missouri, which supplied 100,000 troops to the Union cause, would be perfectly believable - if not provable.