The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31187   Message #404186
Posted By: Spud Murphy
22-Feb-01 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BY WHAT SONG should I know you?
Subject: BY WHAT SONG should I know you?
Asking myself that question, the first song that popped into my head was 'I was Born Almost Ten Thousand Years Ago.' I had to forgo that choice, however, even though it was a perfect fit for my age, when I noticed that the DigiTrad was several verses short of a full song and they were the ones I would have needed to substantiate my claim. They're some of the best ones, too. I am referring to:

I saw Satan when he looked the garden o'er,
And Adam and Eve get shuffled out the door,
And while from the bushes peepin,
Saw the apple they wuz eatin,
And I'll swear thet I'm the guy thet et the core.

Queen Elizabeth, she fell in love with me.
We were maried in Milwaukee secretly.
But I upped and forsook 'er,
And went with General Hooker,
To shoot mosquitos down in Tennesee.

And there are many,many more. But I felt I couldn't claim that song, because my memory is fading, and I am not sure whether that was Hooker or Meade I was with.

So moving along, the nexxt song i came up with was 'I've Been Everywhere.' No dice. I had to rule that one out too, because I'm pretty sure I missed Ombilika and dead certain I never made it to Baranquilla. The reason I know that is becuz we blew a tire on that long down grade there and then right at the bottom of the grade on a sharp right hand curve you cudn't see around, the road was washed out. And by the way (BTW)I should probably let you know that Chatanika has only one T in it. You'll find it (the town, that is, not the T) just a few miles north of Fox on the Steese Highway. We're talkin Alaska here, folks.

And so, we come to the final choice I settled on to give you a better notion of what I am about. If I knew how to make a clickity I'd hide my choice behind it so it would be more of a surprise. You've probably already guessed it, anyway. The song is 'When The Work's All Done This Fall.' One reason: the work IS done, my part of it, all that I'm ever goin to do of it, anyway. What's left is play. And second: That song was one of the very first my Dad ever taught me, not the very first, but one of the first. I made ten bucks and change in tips for singing it at the county picnic they always had at Nick's Lone Acre after the fall cattle drive from summer range in the high mountains back to the home ranches in the Mother Lode.

What's your song?