The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4042322
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Mar-20 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Right on. If anything defines Toryism, it's the way they've been found out by this crisis. It involves everybody, not just them, and Tories can't handle that: Tories are used to leaving the masses behind. The lack of preparedness is staggering. And just think how they've got away with it in part because this has been an easy flu-winter this time around. The poorest people, the hospital porters, orderlies, paramedics, cooks, cleaners and nurses, along with doctors, are mercilessly exposed to deadly disease because this government, in spite of at least three months' notice, can't produce the protective gear needed. They have failed to ramp up the testing regime, so that hospital workers don't know whether they're infectious or not. They tell us that they're sticking to scientific advice, yet a week ago they were rattling on about "herd immunity," which had those of us who know what that means holding their heads in their hands groaning. And Boris sez he's going to mop it up in twelve weeks. Stick it on a bus, Bozo.