The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31089   Message #404261
Posted By: GUEST,SeanC
22-Feb-01 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: Powerful Songs That Make You Uneasy? (closed)
The Challenger disaster tape is often too tough to handle for me. I was at the convention that it was made at. The con happened just a few months after the disaster, and the musicians had time to put their emotions to words. It is hard to come by, the publisher went out of business, i think. The biggest problem for the singers was to get some emotion in their voices with out being overcome with it. Some did manage that balance perfectly.

I will try to get some of the songs mentioned.

Eric Bogel and Stan Rogers I know and they do fit this catagory.

There is a song called Cranes over Hiroshima that I have trouble singing.

As a parent, there are more songs that shut down my voice then there was 8 years ago.