The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165215   Message #4042688
Posted By: keberoxu
28-Mar-20 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Heavens to Murgatroyd, people!
You're all homebound and nobody will talk about
what is cooking in the kitchen?

I'm still here at a mental health clinic,
long-term residential type, will be here for a while
(if you are following the thread on the subject).

The residential kitchens have wonderful cooking but even they
are human and the occasional SNAFU happens.
This one happened with suppertime dessert.
I don't know what this dessert is called elsewhere,
but we Yankees call it "angel food cake."
When properly baked, it ends up being mostly air,
just impossibly light stuff. Well ...

something went wrong before it went in the oven, I suppose.
One kitchen-savvy patient guessed that
the wrong pan might have been used, in the interest of
making large quantities for all the patients and staff for supper.

Anyway, no angels in this pastry --
looked as though it had been stepped on by a camel,
almost as flat as pita bread.
I thought the whole thing was really funny.