The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167099   Message #4042692
Posted By: Mrrzy
28-Mar-20 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
Subject: RE: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
So the two found a deep-looking hole. One tosses a pebble in, but they never hear it hit bottom. So they llok around and find a big rock and toss that in- no sound. So the hunt more and find a railroad tie and chuck that in- nothing. So they scout around to find a boulder, when along comes a goat, runs full-tilt into the hole... Still no sound of anything hitting bottom. They are trying to wrestle a boulder over when a farmer comes up and asks, seen a goat anywhere? Well, the two say embarrassedly, I think your goat just jumped into that there hole. Oh, no, says the farmer, that wasn't *my* goat.

*My* goat was tied to a railroad tie.