The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4042727
Posted By: Steve Shaw
28-Mar-20 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Now let me tell you summat, moderator dear. Iains put up a terrible post inviting us to clap our hands ("If you're happy and you know it..." that one...the most despicably inhuman post ever to appear on this website, on a day when UK deaths passed one thousand). I responded to that, but you saw fit to delete both his post and my response. Grand. It's your gig, not mine. But I have an opinion on what you've done. You've protected a horrible man, that's what you've done. You don't want him exposed for what he is. I conclude that he chimes with your own personal opinion, whichever of the three you are. We Brits, some of us, have often suspected that you share Iains' extreme right-wing views. Good for you. It's a free country. If you think I've got that wrong, please tell this forum, with your reasons. Not with with one of your usual silly addenda, but with a proper post, like what WE all have to do. They'd better be good reasons. He has clearly crossed the red line, but, from here, it looks like you can't see it. You got rid of Teribus and akenaton because they got up YOUR nose (don't deny it...I have your PMs...), but you're perfectly happy, even deliriously so, to see this idiot getting up OUR noses. In fact, you appear to revel in it. You moan and groan about us Brits "squabbling" (your latest tiresome buzzword), but, actually, you love it, don't you? You think that we'll all get so fed up that we'll leave this website to you precious yanks. Well, this ain't no democracy, but even you can't bring about about. So, fer chrissake, get rid of Iains. He's poison, you know it, but what you don't seem to realise is that he is bringing this website into disrepute. Do delete this post out of your embarrassment. But I've copied it, and I might just send it to your boss. he hasn't heard from me yet, and I do know how to put things. Nighty night.