The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6854   Message #40428
Posted By: belter
05-Oct-98 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Three Black Birds
Subject: Black Bird Lyrics
I heard this song on a tape I bought recently, the liner notes say its child 16, but the variants of 16 on the DT show little incommon beyond pregnancy and pepole dieing. can anyone fill in the parts bracketed with question marks? These are parts I had trouble understanding. Also, does anyone know the mellodie?

Three Black Birds (child 16)

There were three black birds sat in a tree
Down a down hey down a down
And they were black as err might be
With a down
And one of them said to his mate
Were shall we our breakfast take
With a down, derry derry derry down

There was a knight in yonder field
Lay freshly slain beneath his shield
His hounds lie down there at his feet
So well there master come they keep (company keep?)

His hawks they fly so eagerly
They let no other fowl come him nie
Yonder comes a ?fallow doe?
As heavy with child as she may go

She's picked up his bloody head
She's kissed his wounds that were so red
She's lifted him upon her back
And carried him to a ?northern lake?

She's buried him before a ?shrine?
?Lay dead herself before some time?
?Why such a great gentle man
Such hounds, such hawks and such a lay man?