The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4043069
Posted By: Steve Shaw
30-Mar-20 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
From today's Labour List:

The UK’s coronavirus death toll rose to 1,228 over the weekend, including NHS doctors for the first time. NHS staff are only just starting to be tested now, amid increasing pressure also for personal protective equipment to reach frontline key workers urgently. Remember when the deputy chief medical officer confidently stated on March 20th that the problems around PPE had been “completely resolved”? The latest Lancet editorial was scathing. Editor-in-chief Richard Horton called the handling of coronavirus a “national scandal”, and concluded that as a result of delays and inaction: “Patients will die unnecessarily. NHS staff will die unnecessarily.”

The. Government's response has been inept, disorganised, complacent (herd immunity, anyone? Beat it in twelve weeks?) and tardy. And it's killing people.