The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51420   Message #4043395
Posted By: leeneia
31-Mar-20 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: outward/homeward bound
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: outward/homeward bound
Here are some chords for this song from the stage c. 1790. Once in the while the first note of a measure is not harmonious, so I picked the best chord for three out of four notes. It's in the key of D, 2/4 time. Sticks and dots are in the DT.

[pick-up notes]To the

[D] Liverpool docks we'll bid adieu to

[G]Sal and Kate an'

[D]Bessie, too. The

[G]anchor's aweigh an' our

[D]sails are unfurled And we're

[A]bound to

[D]plow the

[A]wat'ry world. Hur-

[D]rah, we're outward

[A]bou-ou-ound. Hur-

[G]rah, we're

[D]outward bound.
It's a good tune.