The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165215   Message #4043401
Posted By: leeneia
31-Mar-20 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Our home is being remodeled, and our kitchen is packed into other nearby rooms. There's a sink in the dining room (with protective mat), the fridge is the only thing in the kitchen, and we have a toaster and hot plate on a low filing cabinet. Food and tools are crammed into every nook and cranny.

Since restaurants are closed, we order take-out for dinner every other day. As for the rest, we have gone through most of the frozen dinners I had ready. Now comes the real challenge - cooking good things to eat in this spartan setup. I believe I'll be relying on my slow cooker.
Charmion, have you cooked those Cornish hens yet? I find they are dense and lean and do not lend themselves to roasting, so I invented this dish:

Cut Cornish hen in half using strong shears, being sure to -
discard the back, along with the icky organ bits stuck to it.

You may use a slow-cooker liner if you wish.

Press the hens, meaty sides down, against the sides of a slow cooker, where the sides and bottom meet.

Sprinkle with dill weed or seed.

Splash with white wine, maybe one-half cup.

Cook on low for a long time. How long depends on how big they are.

You may want to saute a little garlic and sprinkle that in, too.

Serve each diner half of a hen along with other good stuff. Let them add salt and pepper themselves.