The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167564   Message #4043735
Posted By: Senoufou
03-Apr-20 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can someone tell me.......(euphemizing hell)
Subject: RE: BS: Can someone tell me.......
Oooh this is fascinating! Bill Bryson in his book Mother Tongue devotes a whole chapter to swearing. His is an interesting perspective because he's an American who has lived for many years in UK.

I love 'minced oaths' although I'm ashamed to say I can swear like a trooper when riled, even in Malinke.

There are so many ways of expressing oneself in anger or surprise.
I like:- "Oh my giddy aunt!"
       "Well go to the foot of our stairs!"
       "Open the front door!"
       "Strike a light!"
and a whole selection of rude insults involving various genitalia!
'Hell' seems rather feeble in comparison.