The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167564   Message #4043886
Posted By: Rapparee
03-Apr-20 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can someone tell me.......(euphemizing hell)
Subject: RE: BS: Can someone tell me.......
Heavens to Betsy! Such language! Why, shade my eyes but you folks are plumb earthy in your talking! Golly, I wonder why that is? Charmion I can see, given that she was a Command Sergeant Major and they are well know for their command of the Queen's English. But I was only a lowly three-stripe sergeant who was given command of the rottenest group of bastards who ever fouled the earth with their shit. But that was in the US Army and I certainly would never use any language that might give my Aunt Mildred offense. Aunt Mildred was a long-haul trucker who never used any oath greater than "My goodness gracious sakes alive!"