The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167564   Message #4043991
Posted By: Charmion
04-Apr-20 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can someone tell me.......(euphemizing hell)
Subject: RE: BS: Can someone tell me.......
Y'know, many on-line platforms block the most popular blasphemies and obscenities, especially the seven words you must never say on television. I'm sure that's an influence on some people.

Back in the day when I was employed at National Defence Headquarters, one of my many odd little tasks was writing or translating the captions for photographs distributed from our Combat Camera unit to the commercial news media. Now, the DND wide-area network has famously twitchy monitoring software, but I never knew how twitchy it was until one day when I was writing captions for photos of the dedication of the First Nations war memorial, a ceremony attended by literally every aboriginal big-wig in the country. I had just finished Googling for the name of the then National Chief of the Assembly of first Nations when my screen blanked and a message popped up to inform me that I had been nabbed in the act of accessing "inappropriate" material.

What set it off? Well, the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations at that time was one Matthew Coon Come of the Cree nation in northern Quebec.

As for H-E-Double hockey sticks, I believe it is the 21st-century urban Canadian version of Tarnation.

But fuck 'em all if they won't take a joke.