The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167099   Message #4044688
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Apr-20 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
Subject: RE: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
A teacher of the children of the military staff at Camp X Ray in Guantanamo and a member of the security staff are forced to share accommodation due to shortage of space
Not knowing each others work, They got on pretty well until one evening the teacher flops down in the armchair, obviously very depressed
"What's up guy ?" asks the security man
"The tension in this place is beginning to interfere with my work", says the teacher
"How do you mean?"
Well - today I asked the class, " Who shot Abraham Lincoln, and one of the lads leapt up and said "Not me sir"
"Jeez - that's awful" said the security man and went away to mix him a drink to try and cheer him up
The next night the teacher obviously felt a little better and the night went fine until the security man said, "By the way, that little bastard did shoot Lincoln - he confessed"
Jim Carroll