The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167601   Message #4044917
Posted By: Senoufou
09-Apr-20 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clapping for the NHS
Subject: BS: Clapping for the NHS
For those not in UK, there's a new practice now of standing one ones doorstep every Thursday at 8pm either applauding or banging a saucepan, in order to applaud NHS workers.
Our neighbours have just done their weekly clap, but we didn't participate.
I would just feel so silly doing any such thing. Of course I admire all NHS workers (they've just saved my sister's life up in Scotland) but this virtue-signalling, especially in an isolated village in Norfolk, strikes me as completely daft.
Am I a miserable old misanthropist, or does anyone else feel the same?