The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4045032
Posted By: Iains
10-Apr-20 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
It is quite clear from the rubbush he spoke that the scottish laddie has hardly ever made it beyond his own front door. I suspect he obtains his viewpoint entirely from the Guardian.
He says we are the most unuequal society- his ignorance is astounding. I suggest he visits a few south African townships with the gated communities over the road. I could point out many many other examples but that would be a waste of my time.
I seem to remember reading that Question time ranks 107th in popularity.
Could it be the BBC has an agenda? Why else keep the program on prime time?