The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4045265
Posted By: Iains
11-Apr-20 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Why did the government feel it was necessary to deny that Dominic Cummings – one of the main advocates of ‘herd immunity’ strategy despite not being a scientist let alone an epidemiologist (first degree = Ancient and Modern History ) argued that ‘if some pensioners die before their time, so be it.

Lesson from Goebbels: repeat a lie often enough and it will be believed,
Typical lefty behaviour. Unless you can prove the statement of course.
But none of you can, unlike Guido of course who can aleays come up with the goods.(as below)

I find it very telling that during this entire crisis Her Majesties Opposition Party has had absolutely nothing to say of note, other than carping and sniping in the background. It will not be the grass that has grown by the time labour obtains power, the little saplings will have become mighty oaks.
The electorate also takes note of facebook nonsense by labour councillors such as:
Cllr. Heselwood who wrote(about the PM)

    “It’s a publicity stunt-they we’re doing badly being criticised for their handling of this, next thing he’s in hospital in ICU-a publicity stunt fir sympathy and to change the narrative. Don’t fall for it”