The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167601   Message #4045544
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Apr-20 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clapping for the NHS
Subject: RE: BS: Clapping for the NHS
If it's a thread about the NHS, it's going to get political. Labour founded the NHS in the teeth of bitter Tory opposition whether you like it or not, and, true to their natural instincts, the Tories have run down the NHS concertedly. Four years ago a report stated that the NHS was not in a proper state to handle a major crisis. That report was ignored by the Tories. We are now several months into this crisis and doctors and nurses on the front line are dying or getting sick through lack of proper protective gear, and haven't been tested in timely manner to make sure that they aren't spreading the virus in hospitals. Now we hear that there is an impending shortage of vital anaesthetics and that doctors may have to look for less desirable alternatives. The voting choices of those who chose Tory have brought this about, whether they meant to or not. We don't know what Labour would have done had they been in, and silly guesswork about that is shallow and disingenuous. The Tories have had ten years with an NHS that was in pretty decent nick when they took over after 13 years of Labour, lest we forget, and just look at us now. As for going out to applaud, for the fourth time, it's grand if you don't want to. But coming on a forum with lofty statements about how it's infra dig, or that you "don't do display", etc., or that you consider it to be useless, short-term, vacuous or populist, is a kick in the teeth for all those good-hearted people who actually just want to show that they care and express solidarity with front-line workers. It's your perfect right to say those things, but it's also our perfect right to say that we think you're wrong-headed about it, not for not doing it, but when you speak out against it. My bin lid is all ready for 8 PM Thursday.