The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31119   Message #404586
Posted By: Skeptic
23-Feb-01 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: We Are Not (well maybe) Alone
Subject: RE: BS: We Are Not (well maybe) Alone
Little Hawk,

Seeing something that's described as being a UFO doesn't imply that whatever was seen was a UFO. My father described seeing a UFO when he was in his teens (circa 1930). I never doubted his sincerity, just his interpretation.


Using the idea of multiple continuums to explain some of the anomalies that come up when dealing with alien abductions and ufo's is a new one. I know Michael Crichton dealt with a similar idea in Timeline.

It's currently untestable and, if I understand it correctly, the experience, evidence and so on would only exist in another continuum but never this one? Thus there would be a continuum where the evidence might exist, we just don't happen to be in one?

I understood that Hawking's ideas were put forth as a theory to more fully explain some quantum phenomena, especially wormholes which seem to imply that time travel should be possible. The counter argument is that the multi-continuum (as opposed to multi-dimensional - which seems like splitting hairs but apparently isn't) model is wrong because relativity can't be violated and as the wormhole approaches the point of allowing time-travel, it self-extinguishes.

Have you come across anything by Hawking (or any of the others) on the Einstein-Podalsky-Rosen Paradox. I read a couple of years back that the Swiss (CERN maybe) had demonstrated that the paradox does occur and came across a brief article on some of the competing theories, including resurrecting the old concept of ether , proposing that since everything is just quantum wave interference patterns and everything we "know" really is illusion to questioning the data. Demonstrating that a quantum particle can act in apparent violation of Relativity would seem to validate the Hawking supporters and at least imply that maybe Relativity is a limited phenomena. And mean that one of the big obstacles to alien visitations might not exist.

On the other hand:

And if that is possible, it would at least explain why all those very very real experiences produced no photographs or exposure-to-vacuum problems during levitation into mother ships and so forth; the boundaries being transgressed were of a different kind and between a different set of realms altogether

All I can say about the site is that it was interesting.

While the descriptions of the experiences are real, the explanations offered to explain them are somewhat fantastic. Most of the abduction experiences replicate experiences common to some fairly well documented psychological phenomena such as hypnogogic or hypnopompic hallucinations.


The pictures at the link would seem to run counter to the idea multi-continuum idea as they consist of physical evidence (of a sort) An alternate view of UFO reports can be found at: Blicky for Klass Files

