The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167564   Message #4046071
Posted By: EBarnacle
14-Apr-20 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can someone tell me.......(euphemizing hell)
Subject: RE: BS: Can someone tell me.......(euphemizing hell)

Once, when I was working in my state correctional system, I was told, after writing "buggered" in a report, that the preferred term was "sodomized."

As anyone who know his or her ropes can tell you, the declivity between strands of laid roper is called the "contline." Having checked the history of the term, the original was "cuntline" because of similarity to the resemblance to labia. Presumably, an earlier Dr. Bowdler persuaded user to change it out of deference to the ladies.

My preferred euphemism for Hell is Hades--different word, same meaning.
When sufficiently ired, I sometimes say "sugar, brown sugar" for "shit."

If I am dealing with sensitive types, in place of [your choice of curse word or invective here], I have been known to say "maledictions."