The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167586   Message #4046745
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Apr-20 - 02:18 AM
Thread Name: Will folk clubs survive
Subject: RE: Will folk clubs survive
"Folk clubs will survive if people support them."
In a way this sums up the problem for me, I'm afraid, just as does laims that our folk songs will "survive"
I lived through a long period when this would never have to be said because there was no question of them not "surviving" because they were thriving
I came to these arguments in the first place being told that there was nothing wrong with the club scene - I was given lists to be persuaded that was the case - it obviously wasn't if we have to talk about it "surviving"
It needs to do far, far more than that - it needs to be enjoyed at least as much as it once was - not just by listeners but by performers and potential performers
That has to be more tan wished for - it has to be worked for
That should be the topic of any communication that takes place - how is that going to be achieved ?

I'm not enjoying this long period of isolation - is anybody ?
Yet that is what is being proposed as the future of our folk song - over my dead body, I hope
I sneak into towen (I shouldn't) for my newspaper and each time I realise how much I am missing talking to the people whose houses I pass
I could call them, we regularly speak th them this way now because we check up on each other
Is that really how people want our songs and music to "survive" ?
How Orwellian