The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159235   Message #4046933
Posted By: JennieG
18-Apr-20 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rap for emperor
Subject: RE: BS: Rap for emperor
Good to hear your recovery is ongoing, Oh Great One!

New ideas for torture are always welcome. Things in the dungeon are becoming slightly more dire than before; the toilet paper has now been washed several times and is, I fear, are the bums of the inmates. I have sent a few trusties out in the bush to gather suitable leaves for the purpose. Some leaves can be used as a substitute for sandpaper, so they should withstand a certain amount of use.

The quarters of your Imperial Torturer and Spouse are, however, comfortable and cosy, and lack for very little in the way of needs. The biggest hurdle is a certain amount of boredom from isolation, but we do venture forth occasionally for food and medications. The weekly drug run is now the social highlight of our lives.

Imperial Torturer, Dungeon Choir Wrangler and Overseer of Empiratical Banjo Ensemble
[ยง] Her mark
(For which I thank Our Most Gracious Emperor Rapparee)