The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167586   Message #4046964
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Apr-20 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: Will folk clubs survive
Subject: RE: Will folk clubs survive
"I prefer the description 'enjoyable'."
No accounting for taste - I prefer being able to concentrate on the words and listen to an interpretation other than musicalAre you seriously suggesting solo singing is not ?
My point was that our singing tradition - is word based, largely narrative
There's nothing wrong with doing what you wish with it - on the cotrarty - 'Butterworth's 'Banks of Green Willow' is one of the most exquisite pieces of music I never tire of - but i ain't folk and that isn't as that tragic ballad was intended to work

The good thing with now having a foundation for traditional music here is that, no matter how far afield you stray, you always have somewhere to return to to check you haven't forgotten something
That is what England seems to have lost (or thrown away)
Maybe folk should have been fitted with a sensor - like some keys are nowadays - you don't have to wander around shouting "where's my ***** keys" when you've got one of them