The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167099   Message #4048910
Posted By: Doug Chadwick
27-Apr-20 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
Subject: RE: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
More on Alfred's struggles with the Vikings.

As the tide began to turn in Alfred's favour, the Viking decided to fortify the defences around their encampment. The Viking warriors made trip after trip up ladders, carrying bricks to build up the walls. One warrior had been badly injured in battle and had lost his sight. He had been assigned the job of taking food out to the construction site and collecting up the dirty dishes. Looking for something to carry them in, he felt around and found a box full of bricks. He emptied them out filled it up with the dishes and then realised he could pour in a bucket of water and use it to do the washing up. Which just goes to show that a hod's as good as a sink to a blind Norse.