The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167693   Message #4049055
Posted By: Black belt caterpillar wrestler
28-Apr-20 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern Reopens!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern Reopens!
Back at the model railway room the Black Belt Caterpillar Wrestler asks Igor if there is any particular exhibit that he would suggest to look at next.

Igor leads him to an aisle labelled “Roland Emmet” and points him to “The Oysterperch and Far Twittering Railway”.

“Oh, I loved this back in the 1950’s. I saw it in Cheltenham in a department store!”
He puts on a tall stovepipe hat hanging from a hook alongside the control panel.

After some intense railway operation there is a pause.

Igor: “Have you looked at the unbuilt layoutsh yet thir?”

BBCW: “What the ones that I imagined?”

Igor: “Yesh shir, all thingsh are poshible in an infinite universe.”

BBCW: “This is an infinite universe?”

Igor: “Bigger, we don’t tend to think that shmall sir”.

BBCW “I am impressed, but I suppose that’s what you get with pan-dimensional, multi-person solipsism.”