The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35477   Message #4049899
Posted By: Senoufou
02-May-20 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Strangest lifeform you have ever seen!
Subject: RE: BS: Strangest lifeform you have ever seen!
I've just looked that up Jack - how interesting! I'd never heard of them. The article said they haven't changed much in millions of years.
Good info for a pub quiz! 'What is a velvet worm?'
My father brought home two locusts when I was about ten. He'd got them from some lab in Kensington (no idea why they let him take them!) I kept them for ages - beautiful things, with an oily surface and a nice mottled pattern. They only needed some leaves popped into their vivarium. I called them Len and Larry!