The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165215   Message #4049941
Posted By: Charmion
02-May-20 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
I've got pretty good at duck breast, which I treat a bit like a steak, but I need more practice with legs. Around here, ducks are usually sold frozen, and whole, which is inconvenient (at best) when you have only one or two people to feed. Our only reliable source of cut-up duck is Mrs McIntosh, our favourite farmer, who raises them for the restaurant trade. But the lock-down means no markets, so Mrs McIntosh and her duck particles are out of our reach.

Mrrzy, do you have access to the New York Times cooking app? I found a gonzo recipe for duck with blackberries there ... and all kinds of other great stuff. One of its benefits is the comments function, where people who have cooked the dish write about what worked for them and what did not, and what changes they made to the recipe for their tastes and kitchen equipment. Like the rest of the NYT content, it's not free, but I find it well worth the money.