The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26070   Message #405016
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
23-Feb-01 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: Scottish Emigrant Songs
Subject: RE: Scottish Emigrant Songs
There are several versions of (?) Cunningham's text, it seems.  The one I gave earlier -because most apparantly complete- came from Wilma Paterson's Songs of Scotland (1996); on the whole she's quite good about citing sources, but not in this case: the tune is described "as in title".  The text given in G.S MacQuoid's Jacobite Songs (no date in my copy) has the first and third verses that I gave above; I have another in The Illustrated Book of Scottish Songs (1854) which is close to the text you've given.  The song that follows it in the latter book, Cunningham's Hame, Hame, Hame! is taken, apparantly, from Cromeck's Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song, so it seems reasonable to suppose that the former text is from at least around the same time.  Beyond that, I have no idea; with luck, Bruce will be able to tell us more.
