The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167693   Message #4050202
Posted By: Severn
03-May-20 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern Reopens!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern Reopens!
The Janitor gets up and tells his twin sister Janet, who looks almost like him but a little less so, "I'll be right back. Crumb Pits, indeed! We only have a Jello Pit (and the odd peach pit lying under the table with the fruit bowl on it). If any of those crumbs from whatever Limey food they're eating gets into the Squid family's Jello Pit, there'll be the Devil to pay!"
" I didn't know Satan wore a hairpiece. ", said Janet, completely seriously.

" You just sit there and keep completely silent until I get back",he grumbled .

"Afraid the squids will get upset again?


He reached out an arm that looked like It had a number of permanent sucker marks on it and grabbed a wide custodian's broom and a dust pan and went to where the crumpeters were sounding a loud fanfare on behalf of the new supply being brought out......