The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165215   Message #4050848
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-May-20 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Yesterday I made a grocery run for my ex and myself - it usually happens when I've gone too long without fresh produce. I found flour on the shelves for him (I recently gave him 3 pounds out of a bag a neighbor scored for me a few weeks ago) and bought huge T-bone steaks (Product of Mexico) on sale. I'll cut them into portions and freeze the bones for making soup later. I think the meat in some of my bean recipes in the future will be ground chicken. I usually grind up pot roast (cut up and frozen in 1-pound portions) to make my hamburger for tacos, nachos, bean dishes, etc. I don't buy pre-ground beef because there can be serious health risks with multi-sourced ground beef.

Dinner last night included rice cooker basmati rice and 4 ounces of sirloin pork chop. I used to eat much larger portions of meat than I do now; age and wisdom have something to do with that change. I find the combined fork of rice and a small piece of pork to be most satisfying.

One way to clear more room in the freezer is to take out a large jar of steam-juiced mustang grape juice and make jelly. I was out of jelly after sending a care package to a friend in New York City (along with 2 boxes of vinyl gloves and 2 homemade face masks).

There is a loaf of homemade bread in the freezer that will come out soon; it takes me a week to eat a small loaf by myself so the first couple of days are sandwiches or toast, after a couple of days the container goes into the fridge to keep longer and I make breakfasts of French toast. Most of it is gone but I might pop the end in the freezer so when I get near the end of the next loaf I'll have enough to make some bread pudding.

At the store yesterday a man in a mask with a toddler in a mask asked about yeast and I sent him to my favorite restaurant supply store where a one-pound vacuum packed brick costs $3.15. It will be a lot of yeast, but it keeps well in the refrigerator or freezer.