The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51341   Message #4051324
Posted By: cnd
08-May-20 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: Amazing Grace and the Bagpipes
Subject: RE: Amazing Grace and the Bagpipes
NC State University's marching band does a military appreciation halftime show every year, rotating between a set of shows every three years. One year is an armed forces salute, one is a medley of patriotic songs (America the Beautiful, Battle Hymn of the Republic, maybe a few others?), but the third and by far my favorite is Amazing Grace, which combines the marching band and the bagpipers.

That's a video of it, but because the camera is so high up it doesn't quite capture the full sound of the bagpipes. To hear that in person is probably the most powerful halftime show I've seen.