The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31205   Message #405178
Posted By: sledge
24-Feb-01 - 03:24 AM
Thread Name: How do I tell My SO I want a divorce?
Subject: RE: How do I tell My SO I want a divorce?
A very painful subject this, I divorced 8 years ago, there were no children invovled, which was in my view a blessing. The emotional mess that I and my ex ended up in was pitiful but thankfully short term. We are now pretty good friends, some of the other posters have mentioned this as happening to them. We both now have a friend we can talk to about anything as we both know each other warts and all. Short term grief, long term gain.

And watch those bloody lawyers, I didn't always think strait and went along with everything they said, cost me an arm and a leg.
