The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167857   Message #4052371
Posted By: GUEST,Ross Guertin
14-May-20 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Old Scots Song: Gang Awa'... please?
Subject: Origins: Old Scots Song: Gang Awa'... please?
Hello. I am looking for the origins of an old Scots song that my Grandad used to sing to me when I was a young lad. Here are the words:

Gang awa',
Bonny laddie (lassie) gang awa'
There's not a loch ness monster there ava'
For it's only Auld MacDougal
Who's awa' tae Auchenschugle
Gang awa', bonny laddie (lassie)
Gang awa'.

This is the whole song as I know it. Apparently he had heard this on the radio when he was a a young lad, also. Does anyone know this, or something like it?

Gang Awa' (The Loch Ness Monster song)