The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167887   Message #4053242
Posted By: Steve Gardham
18-May-20 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: Critical discussion of Ewan MacColl's singing
Subject: RE: Critical discussion of Ewan's singing
AS far as I can remember he let the song tell the story and didn't indulge in any dramatic effects or affectations other than what his life as an actor dictated. There was something of a nasal twang but once you get into the song that becomes irrelevant. When accompanied he never allowed the accompaniment to dominate the song which some of our younger singers would do well to take note of. He was never my favourite singer but I am still in awe of what he accomplished.

Song writing: I have known and know many songwriters. Some have come close but I know of none that have surpassed his material. When I think about it I have unconsciously followed many of his methods.