The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167887   Message #4053341
Posted By: DonMeixner
18-May-20 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: Critical discussion of Ewan MacColl's singing
Subject: RE: Critical discussion of Ewan's singing
My only experience with Ewan MacColl out side of others doing his songs was a live concert he and Peggy Seeger recorded. It was shortly before his death and I heard it on National Public Radio. I recall being impressed with his vocal power. I additionally like the apparent lack of affectation in his and Peggy's voices. I don't know if he assumed accents or not.    If what I heard that day was typical of the performer I was quite pleased. This was the first time I heard The Big Hewer, The Manchester Rambler(?), and Tim Evans.

All of the rest of the show was familiar material but from the voices of others. MacColl and Seeger's being sources gave me a different feel for the songs. Not better or worse but different. What was always apparent was the quality in the writing. Also impressing was that they just sang the songs with minimal instrumentation. MacColl and Seeger where lyricists after all and I was listening to the words of the songs. There is was the power in the perforance

Regards Dirty Old Town, I have heard many versions, some just now on YouTube. Most are adequate, some are awful in the attempt by the performer to be current, one or two are really good. My favorite was done by Luke Kelly and The Dublineers.

Don Meixner