The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30667   Message #405345
Posted By: GUEST,Bonnie from Portland
24-Feb-01 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: Has anyone seen Little Neophyte?
Subject: RE: Has anyone seen Little Neophyte?
What a movie Mick. Great way to start off the second banjo workshop. I think you can apply the same concepts from the movie to learning music. I haven't read the thread discussing this movie but that is what I got out of it. Harnessing the energy and chanelling it through spirit.
I can also appreciate better a female in martial arts.

I think I might move to the US. Did you know popcorn refills are only 25 cents. What a bargain!!!!
I keep asking everyone 'Where is the washroom?'. They look at me kind of funny.

Last night we had an old-time session. The driving beat was so strong I thought the roof was going to cave in. Never heard anything quite like it.

Speak to you later,