The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167910   Message #4054511
Posted By: The Sandman
23-May-20 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: The future of folk music in a post-Covid
Subject: RE: The future of folk music in a post-Covid
In Ireland there is extensive musical coverage of tradtional music and singing[ is that commercialisation or just exposure?]
my wireless is set on radio na gealachta, and every morning i can listen and most evenings between7pm and 9pm tradtional mirish music presented in a non commercial way, that wiil not change because of the virus. so folk music in ireland get state support it is funded [does that make it commercial] not in radio naeagaelchta case,but PERHAPS to a small extent in CCE CASE, A state fundedorganisation. to avoid commercialisation perhaps the uk should follow irelands example and state fund tradtional music?