The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167920   Message #4054630
Posted By: keberoxu
23-May-20 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: saw my first bumblebee of the season
Subject: 2020: first bumblebee of the season
With the coronavirus pandemic going on, and
'shelter in place' orders from state government where I am,
I have not been out much, not much at all.

This week the governer went to Phase I of 'safer-at-home'
and this weekend I got outdoors and went past
some lilac bushes.
The lilacs are in full bloom, which won't last forever.

And there was my first bumblebee of the year 2020.
Yes, there has been nothing to stop the bumblebees
from coming out and going after the flowers,
but I could not get out myself before now.

It was a moment to make me forget all my troubles,
to watch the fat black-and-yellow bumblebee
working away at the violet-colored lilac flowers.