The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31268 Message #405722
Posted By: Deckman
24-Feb-01 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: Help: Henry Martin
Subject: RE: Help: Henry Martin
Hello Adam ... My name is Bob (deckman) Nelson. I want to suggest a different approach to you. I was only two years older than you are now when I discovered the song "Henry Martin." We know that you have uncovered enough 'evidence' of the ancestry of this song to satisfy your school requirement. I would like to challenge you to look at this song somewhat differently. Read the tale to yourself, feel the tale, then speak the story. Read it to yourself as if it is an adventure ... because it is. Then, SING the story, maybe to yourself. Feel the power of the tale. Practice the story line, imagine what it would have been like to witness that story. Then, as you grow older, and better able, delight in sharing this wonderful ale with friends. This is what folk songs, and folk singing is ALL about ... sharing the adventure of these wonderful stories. Best wishes to you.