The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165215   Message #4057415
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Jun-20 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
I have never bought a pizza in any shop, frozen or not, that had any more flavour than the cardboard box it came in. We have a takeaway pizzeria of high repute in Bude called La Bocca which we are intending to try shortly. We also have an "Italian" restaurant that's quite nice though thoroughly inauthentic. Last time I went, the wines-by-the-glass were all non-Italian and they clearly considered that a pizza wasn't a pizza unless it was decorated with those silly little mozzarella balls (uncooked) and unless the top was festooned with huge amounts of rocket. Edible but odd. The best pizzas we ever had were in a grubby little pizzeria in Napoli. We were the only non-Italians in there (always a good sign). We had a margherita and a pizza fritta, both huge and both wonderful. A terrible rainstorm raged outside and we sat close to their wood-fired oven. I'd choose a margherita every time, always dressed with the finest extra virgin olive oil. A good pizza isn't convenience food. It's heaven on Earth, and what red wine was invented for. In Rome we found a superb restaurant that served pinza pizzas (they wouldn't like my calling them pizzas...). The base, made from long-fermented dough, is far lighter and fluffier than a normal pizza base and there's just the right amount of lovely crunch. Now that was FOOD!